Saturday, September 18, 2010


I am so excited I can barely sit still long enough to type this...

Here is why I am beyond giddy....

My favorite author is Jen Lancaster. She writes hilarious memoirs... "Bitter is the New Black", "Bright Lights Big Ass", "Pretty is the New Plaid" and "My Fair Lazy". She also has an ultra funny blog. She's a hoot.... HI-larious.... In short I love her, and secretly we are best friends. In her books she writes about her husband, Fletch, dogs, Masiey and Loki, and her cats... the only cat's name I can remember off hand is Chuck Norris... and the crazy goings-on of their everyday life...

I read her latest book, "My Fair Lazy", whilst recovering from abdominal surgery. It kept me thoroughly entertained and more it than helped to pass the time. I had to keep a pillow handy to press on my stomach while convulsing into fits of laughter.

In the book she writes about her new found love of the pinapple soda found at the cuban market near her home in Chicago. She asks her husband, Fletch, why we don't have any in America, as it is a delicious invention.... A normal person may have read this... and just continued on with the story... but I am no normal person!! especially when hopped on on pain meds! I immediately thought.. "I must write her at once, to inform her of the wonders of Pinapple Big Shot!" For those of you in the New Orleans area, you know all about Pinapple Big Shot. If you live in New Orleans and you haven't heard of it, then you're not from here. If you have heard of it and don't like it, then you have to move. Period. Pinapple Big Shot is a pinapple flavored soft drink (New Orleans for soda), and it is, in a word.... fabulous. Nothing makes me happier than a Hot Sausage po-boy (with Cheese) and a pinapple Big Shot.

Back to the story.....

I, in all of my medicated glory, took to my laptop, to write my favorite author about the glory of Pinapple Big Shot, in an email entitled..."Pinapple Soda..... Not just for Cubans anymore" (I warned you... I was loaded) The email went on to say how fabulous the drink is, and that I am a huge fan, and was reading her book while recovering from surgery.... It was a cute little email complete with good information, and lots of spelling and grammatical errors. I did have the wherewithall (is that a real word? should it be hypenated? it seems awfully long...) to warn her that I had just taken my pain meds and to please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors....

I sent the email in late May......

and today.....


I don't care that it's 3.5 months later, that's not the point people... She's a super busy fabulous author/secret best friend... she could have responded next year and I'd be just as excited!!!!!

I am off to do a little happy dance and call/text all of my friends and tell them that Jen Lancaster emailed me!!!


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