Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

This year has been an eventful one for me. Full of surprises.... some good, some not so good.

I opened the cart in the Riverwalk.
Learned countless songs about fudge.
Started wholesaling to stores.
Closed the cart in the Riverwalk.
Made friends.
Lost friends.
Participated in a craft fair.
Took care of my grandparents.
Put Paputsi on hold to care for my terminal grandmother.
Lost my one of my grandmothers to ovarian cancer.
Moved into a new (and larger) sewing studio.
Started Paputsi again.

Yes, last year had lots of ups and downs. For a very brief moment I was discouraged about all of the "downs" that I experienced, but then I realized that I made it through each and every one of them, and I am stronger for it.

I have big goals for 2010..... I plan on taking Paputsi to new places. New lines for baby, and branching into nursery decor. So often I get caught up in what I want to make, and if I can make it..... that I never actually make these wonderful new things floating around in my head. This year that stops. I have the cutest idea for shoes... and I have had this idea/plan for months now. Time to make shoes... and all of the other items trapped in my brain!

I recently learned how to make picture collages in Picasa... so watch out for collages gallore! I have already sent several to friends, and I am prety sure they think that I am nuts!

Here is my Paputsi - 2009 Collage, with random shots of things I have made, or things I have done in the past year. I even managed to find a pic in the old studio and one in the new studio - I had to include that in there!

You can tell by how blurry it is that I'm still learning!

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