Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The BIG Announcement...

Yesterday I tweeted that I had a big announcement to make, and then I got busy and didn't make the announcement.

So, here it is. The BIG announcement.

I'm shutting down Paputsi.

Not permanently, of course, just until February. I know, it's crazy to shut down the shop during the holiday rush, but I need the break. Lots of things are changing in my life right now. I have way to many balls in the air at the moment. So, I've decided it would be best to shut down the shop for a bit, and focus on getting all of my other ducks in a row.

I've been so bogged down with what I "have" to do to survive, that I haven't been able do enjoy the things I want to do. I want Paputsi to be successful, but recently, it has been placed on the "have to do" list, and I have begun to shy away from it. This past month, I only went into my sewing room twice....


That's crazy! I used to go in there everyday. Even if I didn't sew, I did something. Not in Novemebr though.... twice, that's it. When I realized this, I took a long loo at everything in my life... work, friends, family... everything. Something needed to change.

I have made many changes... from switching jobs to cutting out toxic individuals. One of those changes included temporairly closing Paputsi. For the next 2 months, I am not sewing with deadlines in mind. (other than Christmas gifts, of course) I am creating for fun. Making things I've always wanted to, but never got around to. I'll be painting and drawing more.

When Paputsi opens back up in February, it will be with fresh new products... and a new look.

I will continue to blog during my hiatus.... I will keep you all posted on the progress I am making with all of these exciting changes.


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